Gifts in Wills

Leaving a Legacy

Please consider what kind of impact you want to have had. How do you want to have touched people you care about?

You can speak confidentially with our Executive Director about a gift in your will, through life insurance or any other gift you might be considering. Your advisors are a great source of legal and financial information to assist you in deciding the type of gift most suitable to your situation. Should you decide to leave a gift in your will to our organization, please provide our legal name to your advisors. It is Valley Regional Hospital Foundation (charitable registration numer 119280808RR0001).

Contact the Foundation for more information on how you can leave your legacy, call us at 902-678-5414 or

Velda Morrison

Velda Morrison decided to make her gift to the Foundation in a traditional way. She included our organization in her will. We were fortunate that Velda told us her plans before she passed away as we had an opportunity to thank her and recognize her generosity.

There was nothing traditional about this energetic, lively lady however. She had careers as secretary for the Kentville Advertiser, business manager at the Teachers College in Fredericton, public servant for the Dept of Agriculture, trained as an accountant and as an emergency nurse during the Cuban Missle Crisis.

Velda was a caring individual who lived through the loss of her husband of 40 years and the death of her only child, a daughter, to cancer. Despite these tragedies, she was an unflappable, assertive woman who was positive about life and valued her health, family and friendships.

Adin Morgan Noyes

In 1994, Adin Morgan Noyes, Yarmouth, informed our Foundation of his intent to leave a gift in his will. Mr. Noyes was born in Concord, New Hampshire, servied in the 99 Division, Company B of the US Army and eventually made his home in Yarmouth.

When he died in 2000, he left the bulk of his estate to the Foundation with the stipulation that the funds be held in perpetuity so only the interest earned annually be used to support medical needs of the Emergency Department or other urgent needs of the Hospital. Mr. Noyes’ gift continues to generate an annual donation of several thousand dollars.

Mr. Noyes wanted his gift to be long lasting and meaningful and he chose to do it in this way. His thoughtful gift continues to have an impact on the health care you receive today in various departments at Valley Regional Hospital.